Republic day Celebration (26th-Jan-2021)

The program started with our anchor ( Arunim)giving a brief on why we celebrate this auspicious day and what significance it holds followed with an inspirational speech by Head of Department Dr Pallavi Gupta.The PRE-CELEBRATION OF 72ND REPUBLIC DAY, 2021 was organized by the KALAKRITI Cultural Society of JEMTEC SCHOOL OF LAW for all the students. The virtual event started at 10:00 a.m. on 25thJanuary 2021. A total of 16 students participated in the event amongst which 4 were boys and 12 were girls. The event was organized and live telecasted on the Facebook page of JEMTEC SCHOOL OF LAW. There were 3 competitions in total, which include Slogan Writing Competition, Singing/rap competition, and Quiz competition. Top 3 winners of slogan writing competition and singing/rap competition and the winner team of Quiz Competition were awarded with e-certificates. Overall, the event was very informative, enthusiastic and all the participants did exceptionally well.
At the end of all the Competitions the name of the winners were announced by the Judges and also congratulated as well as appreciated the students for showcasing their hidden Talents and their love and gratitude for the country.
The programme was attended by HOD Madam Dr Pallavi Gupta,. Dr Ajay Tyagi, Dr Amita, Dr M.N Rahman, Dr Richa Srivastava, , Ms Tanvi Sharma, Ms. Aashna Sinha, Mr.Mudit Thomar, Ms. AKansha Gupta, Mudit Rohila,Ms ,Ms Haider Ali,, Ms Diksha,, Dr Shishma Kushwaha, MsNeeravKhare ,Ms Rahul Arora, , ,Ms ,Manisha Biswas, Dr Vijeta Verma,Ms,Ms Priyadarshani ,Ms Kritika,,Ms Arnika,Ms Somuya,Ms Sudhir,Ms Prabha, Ms Tanushree, Ms Prashant, Ms Gaurav Shah,etc and students of school of law.
The program was concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms Aashna Sinha Madam, a group photograph of the Professors with the Head of the Department, Dr. Pallavi Gupta.
The programme was organized by students Rajat Gabba & ArunimKathuria under the supervision of Dr Richa srivastava , Ms Asshna sinha & Tanushree Gupta.
Gender Sensitivity Programs at JIMS

Gender Sensitivity Programs at JIMS aims to cultivate values of equality among the student teachers by recognizing women’s role in our Society to be as important as men’s and addressing current issues. The national trend toward a total integration of gender roles is reflected in women's education, professional achievement, and family income contributions. Persistent stereotypes around the relative ability of girls and boys in school have a direct impact on the type of subjects that students pursue. In teacher Education, Understanding the connection between gender inequality and the lack of education opportunities can improve more sustainable development outcomes. Policies and gender roles affect a nation’s education system by either not having a safe space for young girls to learn or not letting them have the opportunity of a quality education.
To honor womanhood, JIMS always celebrates International Women's Day, the day that brings many things for women – a cause for celebration, a reason to pause, re-evaluate a remembrance, an inspiration and a time to honor, loved and admired. Students presented Life History of the most eminent Women Personalities. A wide range of Gender Sensitization activities are organized at JIMS that are helpful for conveying the message among our future teachers that men and women should be treated equally without any discrimination, sensitize them towards social gender-based differences and enables them to empower themselves .
Following Gender Sensitivity Programs are organized at JIMS that make the Teaching Learning process interesting and engaging for students –
- 1. Nukkad Natak based on the theme “Gender Discrimination”.
- 2. Quiz based on “Women’s human rights”.
- 3. Infotainment movies based on “Gender based problems and stereotyped societal issues”.
- 4. Poster making competition based on theme “Prevention of Sexual Harassment of women at work place”.
Gender policies at JIE

Gender policies at JIMS expresses the commitment of an organization to take proactive steps for overall development of students and to integrate gender equality at institutional level. This commitment and plan of action is not only confined to the institutional level but these are required for up gradation of women in our Societal Structure.
Promoting equality and diversity in Education Gender Sensitization Policies are essential for both teachers and students. The main aim is to create a classroom environment where all students can thrive together and understand that individual characteristics make people unique and not ‘different’ in a negative way.Gender equality is intrinsically is linked not only to sustainable development of our future teachers but it is also vital for the realization of human rights for all. The overall objective of gender equality in Education is development of an enlightened society in which women and men enjoy the same opportunities, rights and obligations in all spheres of life.
Following policies are followed by JIMS that help future teachers to reflect such Gender Specific issues and to become contributing individuals having respect for all genders-
- 1. An Equal Opportunity for Education without any Discrimination.
- 2. A Participatory Approach for raising Awareness on Gender Equality.
- 3. A Gender- Friendly Environment and Communication for addressing any gender.
- 4. An Equal access to and utilization to institutional services.
- 5. An equal involvement of students in all Curricular and Extra Curricular Activities.
Republic Day

We celebrate Republic Day every year all over the country on 26th January.
Republic Day is a National Festival of India. On 26th January, 1950 the Constitution of India came into force. Bhimrao RamojiAmbedkar is the father of the Constitution of India. Republic Day is celebrated to mark the remembrance of the day ‘the Constitution of India’ came into force. Indian flag is hoisted at the Rajpath, New Delhi and parade takes place in the presence of an invited Chief Guest. It is the day which showcases the defense capabilities of India to the world. Each state prepares a tableau which showcases the culture and tradition of the state. On this day people pay tribute to the freedom fighters who sacrificed their life fighting for the Indian independence.
The Republic day was pre-celebrated on 23rd January, 2020 and the celebration began at 1:30 pm in the Auditorium. The program started with our anchors (Jahanvi and Arunim)giving a brief on why we celebrate this auspicious day and what significance it holds followed with an inspirational speech by Head of DepartmentDr Pallavi Gupta.
The cultural program incorporated 4 competitions, namely, Poetry, Singing, Dance and Rap which was then judged by the faculty members of the Law Department.It began with the Poetry Competition judged by. The participants expressed their respect and gratitude for their country by delivering teardrop lines in their poetry.
This was followed by a Rap Competition judged by. The Participants gave a remarkable and a sharp but gentle performance. They expressed their views on the recent scenario of the country through their wordplay.
Soon after the Rap Competition, Dance Competition started which was judged by.The performances were so energetic and graceful. The participants chose such patriotic songs to dance on that it created an emotional connect between the audience and themselves.
Last but not the least, Singing Competition. The Singing Competition was judged by. The melodious, sweet-toned and soothing patriotic singing of the participants were so comforting.
At the end of all the Competitions the name of the winners were announced by the Head of the Department and also congratulated as well as appreciated the students for showcasing their hidden Talents and their love and gratitude for the country.
The program was concluded with a vote of thanks by, a group photograph of the Professors with the Head of the Department, Dr. Pallavi Gupta, reciting the preamble in Hindi and finally the National Anthem.
The Organizing Committee (Sabhya Kaushal, Jyotika Mishra and Rajat Gaba) had only two days to organize the program. Even though there was such a short period of time but as result the event was a huge Success.
Makarsankranti Celebration Report (2020)

A small gathering of students, faculties & staff took place to celebrate the joyous occasion of
Makarsankranti and to remember the importance of the festival. A proper address by our
Head of Department, Prof. Dr. Pallavi Gupta was given where she explained the reason
behind the celebration and how differently every state celebrates it.
The bonfire was then lit to commence the celebrations. And students were filled with joy as
they passed the snacks amongst themselves.
The event was closed by a singing performance by Shivam Tiwari on a festive note.
Outcome of the event- The students realized the importance of the festival and enjoyed it
with their full spirits.

We at Jagannath Institute of Education also celebrated our Independence Day with great enthusiasm and patriotic favor. Inter House Patriotic poem recitation Competition was organized, in which all the students took part with lot of zeal. The spirit of freedom and nationalism was well exhibited by the Pupil teachers through a spectrum of patriotic poems, speeches, Group songs and dance.
Indeed, it was a day full of joy, love and respect for our country as we all pledged to make it a better place for our future generation so that they can live and experience the freedom, peace and unity in diversity
World Environment Day (2019)

World Environment Day was celebrated at Jims Engineering Management Technical Campus, Greater Noida on 4thJune, 2019 with great zeal and dedication. The Celebration started with an inspiring speech of Prof. (Dr.) R. K. Raghuwanshi, Director, JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus. He inspired everyone to work collectively for the protection of Earth and emphasized on the need to build a greener world.
The objective of the event was to make everyone more sensitive towards environmental protection which was well accomplished through the various activities carried on the campus itself. The entire celebration went in a blink with full of activities and fruitful discussions on sustainable development